Dan for Hire Wiki

Kermit the Frog is a minor character who appeared in Sesame Street. He walks around the street. Dan was sent to kill him because he was blocking traffic which delayed Yosemite Sam's shipment of drugs. Dan and Luigi blocks him, probably plays with him, and then Luigi licks him thinking he was one of those hippy-psycodelic frogs that could get them high. When Luigi got hit by a bus (after ran into traffic when he got high), Kermit says to Dan, "You're fucked." In Shake It Up, Dan and Flotsam lie and say that Kermit was killed, to cover up Luigi's death, and were sent to the Shake It Up, Chicago! studio to get TNT barrels so Yosemite Sam could blow up some worlds. However, Kermit later hopped into Yosemite Sam's office sometime after the duo left with Luigi's body, and told Sam the whole story which triggered Yosemite Sam's mission to kill Dan. Yosemite Sam stated Frogger told him everything to Dan, only for Dan to make up excuses that Kermit was a lying ghost frog, and Luigi was napping in a barrel.

